The Effect of Anxiety on Your Body

Anxiety is one of the most commonly suffered feelings and/or disorders among people in the United States. While some feelings of anxiety here and there are completely normal and experienced by most of us, urgent and often feelings of anxiety every day are not considered healthy and could be an indicator of an anxiety disorder. Chronic anxiety and worrying has a hugely negative toll on the quality of one’s life. It can interfere with your appetite, your relationships, your work performance, your sleep, your overall health, and the overall quality of your life. Often excessive worrying and anxiety leads to other negative behaviors in an attempt to relive one’s stress, such as over-consumption of alcohol, overeating, smoking of cigarettes, drugs, or taking it out on one’s loved family and friends. It is important to recognize whether or not you are suffering from an anxiety disorder that is affecting your life, and if so, it is best for your current and future health that you consider seeing an anxiety therapist in DFW. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a reaction to stress, and is normal amongst all humans. However, ongoing or continuous underlying anxiety could be due to a disorder such as…

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The Numbers are Rising in Children Attempting Suicide

Over the past ten years or so, there has been a significant increase in children and young teens having suicidal thoughts. Doctors are seeing more and more of these children and young teenagers in emergency rooms showing up for anxiety attacks, depressive episodes, and suicidal thoughts, feelings, and attempts. This is even more common during the school year as the kids are feeling the pressure of school as well as suffering from issues related to social anxiety, bullying, peer pressure, and more. There was a study recently published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that from 2008 to 2015 children ages 5 years old to 17 years old are being admitted to children’s hospitals for reasons relating to suicide, either suicidal thoughts, feelings, or attempts. It was found by researchers at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt that girls are more often attempting suicide than boys are. It was also found that the suicide numbers were higher during the school year and lower during the summer months. Depression in children should never be taken lightly or dismissed One of the issues that kids face is that many parents don’t take depression and anxiety in their children seriously. They…

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6 tips to manage anxiety and stress 

A large number of adults suffer from anxiety and stress. It is only natural that we will endure stressful situations in our day to day lives, but unfortunately, some of us will have more difficulty in dealing with them. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), about 40 million people over the age of 18 suffer from anxiety. Stress not only affects people in their daily activities but also leaves them lying awake at night; the lack of sleep certainly doesn’t aid in stress and anxiety. If you are someone who has trouble dealing with stress and anxiety, keep on reading to learn about a few tips that can help you manage it more efficiently. #1 Become more mindful You will be surprised to learn the power you have over yourself when it comes to how you think. Try and practice being more mindful. Whenever you feel yourself overwhelmed with stress or anxiety, learn to talk yourself down instead of antagonizing yourself. Focus on thinking only positive thoughts. By learning to self-soothe, you will be amazed at what you are capable of. Remember positive self-talk phrases such as the following: “This too shall pass” “I will get…

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How to Deal with Cold Feet Before Your Wedding Day

It is only natural to have cold feet before your wedding day, but how do you know if these doubts are just pre-wedding jitters, or something more serious? Most brides and grooms will admit to having some hesitations leading up to their wedding day – after all, you are about to take the plunge and commit to spending the rest of your life with one person. In the majority of cases, this freak-out time means you are experiencing some pre-wedding anxiety that will pass as soon as you see your soon-to-be-spouse at the end of the aisle. Cold feet can show up in many different ways, from focusing on all your partner’s annoyances to a panicky feeling about the 200 guests that are flying in for your big day. While having cold feet and feeling anxious about your wedding day isn’t always healthy, it is completely normal. You are about to make a huge commitment that will impact the rest of your life – so it is no wonder you are feeling a little out of sorts! That being said, there are certain ways to deal with these jitters that are healthier than others. We often recommend couples come into…

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How to Deal With Anxiety at Work

If you are an adult in the working world, it is highly likely that you have had to try and learn to cope with the stress that comes alongside many careers, at least at some point in time. Although work stress may be all too normal, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t learn how to properly cope with it or overcome it. If you continue to just let the stress eat away at you, it is likely that this stress can develop into chronic stress, which can develop into long-term anxiety. It is important to note, that whether or not you previously have suffered from anxiety or have begun to develop it, living with anxiety without the necessary tools or motivation to overcome it can be dangerous for your health. When it comes to facing your anxiety, it is important that you do just that, face it. In order to conquer it, you will need to learn to embody a new mindset. So, let’s go over some tips that you can use to practice dealing with anxiety at work… #1 Don’t work against your anxiety Trying to suppress your anxiety can sometimes make it worse and more overwhelming because the…

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How to Keep Your Anxiety Down During the Holidays

The holidays are a stressful time of year for many, especially those who are susceptible to bouts of anxiety and depression. While the holidays are filled with family get-togethers, delicious food, and cheer, they can also be quite stressful. People often resort to bad habits when the holidays hit, something which many pay for once the merry season is over. There are numerous reasons for this, but for one, people tend to experience heightened emotions during the holidays. These emotions can be both good and bad – ranging from loneliness and angst to happiness and elation. This juxtaposition of emotions can wreak havoc on the mind and body, which is why it is important to learn how to manage your anxiety during this busy time of year. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), almost half of all women in the United States experience high levels of stress during the holidays. This doesn’t just impact how they are feeling day-to-day, but it can put their health at risk. Unfortunately, many people turn to food and alcohol when stress levels are high. While this may seem like a good way to “take the edge off”, it can actually do more harm…

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How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is anxiety related to anticipating or around a social situation. For most, the underlying fear is of evaluation from others in social circumstances, whether it be positive or negative. When you suffer from social anxiety, your goal may be to stay as inconspicuous as possible. Unfortunately for some, they may find themselves avoiding the situations where they anticipate being anxious or use alcohol or drugs to self-medicate before entering these situations. Speaking to an anxiety counselor sooner rather than later, can decrease your risks associated with alcohol abuse, depression, loneliness, decreased occupational advancement and the increased likelihood of remaining single. If social anxiety is stopping you from doing the things you want or need to do, seek professional help today. Challenging yourself on your own is effective until it is ineffective. Lifeworks anxiety counselors are experts in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and stay up to date on all advances for a drug-free approach to dealing with your individualized needs. CBT works by focusing on your behavior and what you are thinking about the why and how of your social anxiety. An integral part of CBT is to help you practice approaching social situations and remain in them in order to learn that nothing really…

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