How Winter Affects Your Mood

Winter Often Negatively Impacts Many People’s Moods As the year comes to a close, winter is quickly approaching. Many people enjoy this time of year, while many can’t stand it. However, your mental health may be affected as the days get shorter, and the weather gets colder. Many people don’t understand just how much of an effect the weather can have on your mood. The changes in temperature and sunshine can have unexpected results for many people. While the winter is a time for joy thanks to the holiday season, many people see their mental health negatively impacted. According to the Cleveland Clinic, roughly half a million people in the United States suffer from a condition known as seasonal affective disorder. Another 10 to 20% suffer from a milder condition called the “winter blues.” Even though these conditions are uncommon, they can still drastically affect your quality of life during the winter. Lifeworks Counseling Center is here to help you understand how winter can affect your mood and mental health. The Effects on Your Body In the winter, the days are much shorter than they were during the summertime. While this change may not seem significant in the grand scheme…

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Veterans and Mental Health

Mental Illness Often Plagues Those in the Military Even though the United States has made an effort to increase awareness and support for those struggling with mental illness, more and more people still struggle with their mental health. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that one in five adults in the U.S. lives with a mental illness, equaling as much as 46.6 million Americans. Unfortunately, that number continues to rise. Mental illness can affect anyone from any demographic. One particular group that does not receive the attention they deserve is veterans. In a recent report from a Veterans Affairs analysis, the rate of veterans’ suicides continues to rise, reporting a 6.1% increase in the number of suicide deaths from 2005 to 2017. While this number may not seem large, it’s important to know that the number of veterans in the United States continues to decrease as older generations get age. This population dropped 18% from 2005 to 2017. With the Veteran population getting smaller, and Veteran suicides increasing, this statistic is alarming. With Veterans Day approaching on November 11th, the team at Lifeworks Counseling Center would like to increase awareness on the growing struggles of mental illness within the…

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